Honorary Members

Dr. Hubert Annen (SWIPPA Executive Board 2014-2018; Chair SWIPPA Conference 2018)
Place of Work:
Military Academy at ETH Zurich, Birmensdorf ZH
At the Military Academy, I work at the interface between theory and practice. I train prospective professional officers in the basics of psychology and strive to contribute to better leadership quality as a result. We also conduct various assessment centers for executives, which focus on systematic and sound observation and assessment of personality traits and social behavior. Selection and assessment are also research areas of my lectureship. Furthermore, we deal with motivation. There is a direct link to positive psychology in our projects on researching and anchoring values and virtues in the Swiss Army and on developing and evaluating resilience training for young officer candidates.

Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann (SWIPPA Executive Board 2014-2018)
Place of Work:
Department of Psychology at the University of Zurich, Clinical Psychology for Children/Adolescents and Couples/Families
Cultivation of relationships in couples
Health promotion and prevention of disorders in children/adolescents, couples and families
Joint stress management (dyadic coping) and its positive effects on partnerships, well-being, and life satisfaction

Prof. Dr. Angelika Güsewell (vice president 2014-2019)
Place of Work:
University of Applied Sciences for Music, Lausanne
Appreciation of beauty and excellence, character strengths, profiles of musicians, and aesthetic emotions.

Dr. Lisbeth Hurni (SWIPPA Executive Board 2014-2018)
Place of Work:
Coaching & Consulting, Berne.
My interests include the potential of positive psychology in the psychology field in general, and for individual areas of application in coaching, and for quality management in coaching. Opportunities exist for cooperation between positive psychology and coaching in the international context. Main Focus: Relevance of positive psychology in the coaching of the generations over 60.

Prof. Dr. Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello (SWIPPA Executive Board 2014-2018)
Place of Work:
University of Bern, Department of Psychology, Section of Developmental Psychology
My main focus in teaching and research lays in the regulation of well-being over the life span in general, with a special focus on the coping with biographical transitions and critical life events. The processes of psychological adaptation and the conditions, which lead to vulnerability, resilience and personal growth, are of interest.

Dr. René Proyer (SWIPPA Executive Board 2014-2018)
Place of Work:
Department of Psychology at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg,
Section of Personality and Assessment
I am interested in positive psychology interventions, and how well-being can be increased with simple exercises. Additionally, I do research on playfulness in adults and other topics of positive psychology.

Prof. Dr. Willibald Ruch (president 2014-2019)
Place of Work:
Department of Psychology at the University of Zurich, Section of Personality and Assessment
My research interests concern the definition and measurement of personality and character generally, and in particular positive traits (character strengths, virtues, humor, cheerfulness, and positive emotions). Together with my team, we provide a website for self-exploration in positive psychology traits (www.charakterstaerken.org; in German). I have been supporting positive psychology since its beginning (e.g., as a founding member of the IPPA).

Lic. phil. Sandra Rusch (SWIPPA Executive Board 2014-2019)
Place of Work:
Evaluation office at the University of Zurich
Humor trainer
My work as a humor trainer enables me to engage with the practical aspects of positive psychology and humor. It’s always fulfilling to see how we can help individuals by applying practical exercises and interventions from positive psychology and humor. Thus, it is my utmost concern to foster positive psychology, and the multi-facetted phenomenon of humor as a part of positive psychology.