
Im Rahmen der Ringveranstaltungen werden mehrmals jährlich Vortrags- und Diskussionsveranstaltungen zu aktuellen Fragen der Positiven Psychologie organisiert.

Nächste Ringveranstaltung:

Why is community important for positive psychology and a possible better collective future?

Among the many criticisms regarding positive psychology is that it reinforces an individualistic way of being, putting too much emphasis on individual search for happiness, which can overlook structural and contextual issues such as socioeconomic factors and systemic inequalities.  Amid the many questions that modernity left us as a legacy is the quarrel, not yet resolved, regarding the relationship between society and the individual. One line (neo-Marxism, neo-Structuralism) dissolved the person. The other, exalted subjectivity to the point of reducing the social to a mere background. How do we tackle the supposed oppositions between independence and belonging, freedom and justice, efficiency and equity, self-interest and solidarity, in particular inside the positive psychology field? One possible answer is being part of a community. Being in a community is a universal anthropological experience and a survival mechanism. Although positive psychology defends the need for building and maintaining strong social connections to well-being, and emphasizes the importance of collective well-being, promoting communities has rarely been an aim for the field. Research shows communities provide support, companionship, and opportunities for social interactions. Thriving communities can lead to better mental health outcomes for all members, contributing to social cohesion and a supportive environment. This talk will bring forward insights regarding why and how to bring communities and their strengths as a relevant mechanism to promote well-being and a more peaceful and cohesive society, that responds better to the global complex issues of our current world.

Referent:innen: Prof. Dr. Helena Águeda Marujo


  • Datum: 21.03.2025, 19:00-20:30 Uhr
  • Ort: Live-Stream via Zoom
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Flyer herunterladen
  • Teilnahmegebühren: Für SWIPPA-Mitglieder kostenlos, ansonsten CHF 20.-
  • Anmeldung: 17. März 2025

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